Monday, October 11, 2010

Busy busy.  Meli and the kids have been in Cali for a few days.  This has coincided with a busy period at workso I am not sleeping more, but I am relaxing a bit more so that is good.  My friend going back to middle school, Jaime, visited Vegas this week with some friends in town for a kickball tournament and a bachelorette party.  It was fun.  Free limo to Hustler club where we played beer pong on the roof. 
I ran a wedding at work today and this went very well.  My confidence running banquets is at a peak there and that is exciting while thinking ahead to my future.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

So great, now the it turns out that the ditz running against me actually has experience?  That's great.  Great great great great great.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Dropped the kids off and went in this morning without too much drama.  I sat in on a tasting.  It was funny because the position I am going for came up because one of the people who is my competition was in the restaurant eating.  They were quiet around me like I'd be uncomfortable.  Whatever.
The car battery died with Melissa went to pick up the kids but the babysitters son was nice enough to jump the car.  I finished my workout and came home and gave the kids baths.  Nothing too exciting.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Long days at work are wearing me out!  Fortunately they have been good days.  Also I got to meet Liz Phair and Jon Spencer which was cool.

At home, Mia still doesn't feel good.  TC decided he would rather hit and he got sent to bed early.  I think Meli is getting worn out between working hard and the kids so I am trying to help as much as I can despite my recent 12 - 13 hour work days.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Work was long with the boss on vacation.  I got a lot done.  Still talking to people about the job.  It's starting to feel like a long shot.

The dog we adopted, Lucy, ate my favorite Mark Nason boots.  For some reason I'm not angry.  I guess since I left them out its my fault.  Meli ordered me a new set.

Mia is doing better but it took awhile to get her to sleep!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Today has been pretty much all work.  Got the kids ready to help Meli and headed out.  Work itself went smooth.  We had a charity event for the local food bank tonight.  Over 800 attendees sampling cuising and having a good time.  We were represented well and my team did a bang up job.
Learned I have some unnecessary competion for the job I am going for.  Someone very high up is recommending someone with little experience in the field.  Her qualification?  From my viewpoint that she is hot.  That is it.  If I get beat by someone that is more qualified than me than I can accept that.  I really am not fond of the idea of busting my ass while someone who knows and does less than me gets paid a lot more than me.  Again.
Got home and Mia is not reacting well to vaccinations.  Her legs are swollen and she is running a temperature.  Tylenol, feeding and some TLC and she seems to be calming down.  I hope the lack of sleep doesn't hurt me as I have some long shifts over the next few days while the boss is out of town.  I get free coffee though so I am confident I'll pull through.  I also found out I finally get a day off with my wife and kids together!  It sounds insignificant unless you realize that it hasn't happened since Meli was on maternity leave.